Cathy is part of the Cree clan and was born and raised in Northern Saskatchewan. She has lived in Vancouver for the past twenty years. Cathy currently works part-time as a flagger for the City of Vancouver on road construction projects. She lives in a comfortable single-room occupancy hotel, which she says she was fortunate to find. She was recently accepted to work at Atira Women’s Resource Society, a not-for-profit organization working towards ending violence against women, through providing both direct service and education. She is excited to start her work there once she completes her training.

Cathy is a wonderful artist and we are lucky to have many samples of her artwork at The Door Is Open. She enjoys sketching, although it is difficult to find the time to do it as much as she would like. She has also painted lovely canvas artwork on display at The Door Is Open. At one time, she used to do artwork for a living, but she says that she now enjoys coming to The Door Is Open to enjoy arts and crafts in a more relaxed manner, and to enjoy the company around the arts and crafts table.