Earlier this month, we caught up with Julia Ruggier, who is enjoying her well-deserved retirement after 18 years as manager of The Door is Open! In 2015 soon after her retirement, Julia received the City in Focus Foundation Community Impact Award which came with a trip to the Holy Land – the perfect place to reflect on how her retirement days would (or should) be spent. She says that the answer she intuited was not to worry. Her “Martha days” were behind her, and now was the time focus on living fully in the present moment, and to practice being fully present to herself and others around her in everything she did. As a start, she put aside her cell phone, TV and radio, and started working in her garden, which she found profoundly satisfying. This in turn led to connecting with neighbours and even planning a laneway house.

Julia is clearly enjoying her retirement to the fullest, savouring every moment and every interaction. She thinks fondly of the guests she came to know at DIO, and keeps these guests, the volunteers, and the staff in her prayers. Thank you, Julia, and God bless!

Categories: Meet Our Team