I have been volunteering at the Door Is Open since one morning in October of 2012 when my friend, Alice, and I walked into the facility and met with the manager, Julia Ruggier. Her eyes lit up, because two of their long-standing Wednesday volunteers had recently moved away and retired. She was so warm and inviting, and told us that God works in special ways at the Door is Open. When there a need, He fills it. Over the past eight years I have learned that the Door Is Open is, indeed, a very special place. Working in the kitchen preparing, cooking, and serving a hot lunch to our Wednesday women guests has been a highlight of my week for many years. We have been fortunate to use our creativity to concoct nutritious and delicious meals for groups that have grown from 35 to well over 100. There have been days when the pantry seemed bare, but somehow these meals morphed into our best ever. There have been days when most volunteers were sick or absent, but miraculously someone will have stepped in off the street or from another parish just to lend an extra hand. Everything always works out. And there are our regular weeks when we have our full contingent of volunteers, staff, and guests. It is a joy for me to be part of a positive, loving team. But most important of all, to me, is the connection we have with our guests. Whether we are serving a hot pasta meal to 400 men and women, or a bacon and egg brunch to 50 women, we are fortunate to be able to share a smile, a laugh, or just a nod. I am grateful that I can put my passion for working in the kitchen towards something as simple as providing a hot meal and a smile to someone in need.