We are very touched and grateful for the support of our schools! We let the press release from STA speak for itself:

Generosity Abounds on the North Shore During the COVID-19 Crisis

A record number of sandwiches and baked goods were donated by the St. Thomas Aquinas School and Alumni communities for The Door Is Open charity in the Downtown Eastside (DTES).

“We were overwhelmed by the generosity of our parents, students and alumni,” commented John Campbell, Principal of STA. “We originally planned for 300 sandwiches to bring to The Door Is Open as part of our monthly visit to prepare and serve lunch. Instead, we received 900 sandwiches and 500 desserts. I think this speaks to the caring community of North Shore families to step forward and help others during a crisis.”

While practicing safe social distancing and curbside drop-off, parents and students delivered the items over a one-hour period on Saturday, 5 April. Members of the school community normally volunteer at the Door Is Open on the first Sunday of each month. During their half-day at the charity, student volunteers purchase groceries with money fundraised by the student body. With the groceries, they go back to The Door Is Open to cook and prepare lunch to feed 300 people, and then stay for cleanup. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, The Door Is Open and other charities are struggling to offer meals since volunteers are unable to attend in-person.

Plans are underway to continue the drop-off practice until the COVID-19 crisis is over.

 (l-r): Elizabeth Hughes, Campus Ministry leader and Marianne Hughes, English & Socials teacher