In everything, I showed you that by working hard in this manner you must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive. – Acts 20:35

On Giving Tuesday, November 27, we are encouraged to use our material blessings for the benefit of others less fortunate than us and serves as an alternative to intense consumerism events like “Black Friday” and “Cyber Monday.”

This year, on Giving Tuesday and throughout the month of December, we aim to raise funds to support our free lunch program to over 250 guests a day in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, a neighbourhood recognized as the poorest urban population in the whole of Canada.

In an area of systemic poverty, addiction and disabilities,
The Door Is Open is a place where lives get turned around.
It starts with a hot meal and the sense of belonging.

Through your support, The Door Is Open can provide daily lunch service, offer counselling, shelter services and referrals, clothing and food, information, support and awareness.

To help us serve a person in need, you can donate, spread the word, and share our story with your friends and family. Please share and tag us using @thedoorisopen1@thedoorisopen and #GivingTuesday so we can share your stories too!

Your help matters, and you can make a difference – one person, one meal at a time.