Monetary: We are privately funded through individual donations but most of the funds are provided by the Catholic Charities of Vancouver. We do not receive any government funding. If you would like to contribute to The Door Is Open, please call Catholic Charities at (604) 683-0281 or mail a donation for The Door Is Open, care of Catholic Charities, 4885 Saint John Paul II Way Vancouver BC V5Z 0G3. You can also donate directly online here.

Clothing: We are in need of season-appropriate clothes for men and women, such as t-shirts and men’s underwear. Please make sure that the clothes are washed and placed in clear bags labelled for men and women.

Food: Non-perishable food items are welcome. Special requests are for pasta (macaroni and spaghetti mostly, but other kinds accepted), pasta sauce and tuna cans. Due to health regulations we cannot accept food that is past their expiry date. We are also unable to accept home baking. Thank you for your understanding.

Toiletries: We also welcome donations of unopened toiletries such as:

  • Shampoo
  • Bar Soap
  • Brushes/Combs
  • Sanitary products
  • Toothpaste/toothbrushes