Our mission will be to lessen the social alienation of the poor, the homeless, and the single room tenants of Vancouver by funneling the community resources available to us.

We will do this through the following projects:

  • We will provide our guests with shelter during the day by running a drop-in center where they can relax and socialize or have a light meal.
  • We will provide our guests with safe respite during the day from the dangers of the street.
  • We will run for our guests recreation programs and provide free general interest books and magazines.
  • We will run a community service hours project as a program of the B.C. Justice Department to compensate the community for its victimization
  • We will provide a space for religious and secular groups who offer social service programs for the community and require a physical location to run these programs.

Under the inspiration of Jesus Christ we recognize the inherent value of our guests and will exemplify the beatitudes through our relationship with guests by emphasizing the following values:

  • We have a guest-driven attitude.
  • We will, in our interactions with guests, maintain the principles of care, trust, and integrity.
  • We will accept our guests as they are without forcing evangelizing programs on them.

By working together we will create a setting our community will be proud of, and one that values the human spirit.