I can no longer turn my face away from our brothers and sisters in need in the Downtown Eastside.

As a young boy growing up blocks from the location of The Door is Open, I grew accustomed to the poverty around me. As a Door is Open donor today, I am filled with thanks for the ability to see and help them. Will you join me in giving this holiday season?

You may be surprised to know that in the last seven years, the number of homeless individuals in Vancouver has increased by 30%.

With 80% of the homeless in Vancouver residing in the Downtown Eastside, there is much need for the food and programs offered by The Door is Open. Especially in the very delicate situation of Oppenheimer Park just across the street. With less food contributions from the Food Bank there is an increasing need for donors like us to help fill that gap.

You have shown that you have a heart for our homeless brothers and sisters who are so often overlooked. You know that a hot nutritious meal can lead to real and lasting change for the guests. You know that more than food is needed, and your gifts allow for programs that lead to emotional and spiritual healing. Most importantly, you open the doors for the guests to experience God’s love for them.

Will you please give a monthly gift or one-time gift today? I know that the time leading up to Christmas is busy, but I hope you can take just a minute now to extend your hand in support. Thank you for your prayerful consideration!

Yours sincerely,
Dario Sponza, The Door Is Open Donor